Access and rates
The journey of a growing family and community is powerful, Modern recognizes that social-economic status is impacted by the social determinates of health.
Leanne's hourly rate is $37.5-$45 for doula and newborn care
Please read below to learn more about rates and how Modern's community is giving back
Some families survive
Due to severe inequity and lack of access many families are left to survive in a constant currant. They have barriers in the way of gaining air and often are made to breathe while underwater.
Modern offers a modernized approach to caring for our neighbors and communities outside of our own, offering a landing.
Not everyone has a landing
Home, a space of rest, peace, and landing. For many it is where we find peace and rhythm, is a space we are made to feel grounded and supported. Modern appreciates many have while many are left with less. Modern has modernized care to create access for more families, offering support in finding their landing.
"If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don't see."
-James Baldwin
Understanding other perspectives and shared experiences creates an opportunity to deepen awareness and empathy. In the awareness and simply noticing, we open our hearts to attuning to others and ourselves. Modern supports sharing to encourage understanding.
Live life as though nobody is watching you, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.
-Nelson Mandela
Take down barriers
Modern believes every family and community brings beauty within its diversity. Partnering with Leanne makes a difference in promoting real change, taking down barriers, creating more equity.