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Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator, Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator, Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator, Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator, Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator, Newborn Care Specialist, Postpartum Doula, Educator


Baby Sign Language

Alison Mackonochie J

The doula guide to birth

Amanda Lowe & Rachel Zimmerman

13 things Mentally strong people don't do

Amy Morin

Keep it simple Breastfeeding

Amy Spangler, MN, RN, IBCLC

What to expect when your expacting

Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Eisenberg, Sandee Eisenberg Hathaway RN

Book Title


The twelve0 month pregnancy

Barry Herman MD & Susan K. Perry PhD

Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria

Beverley Daniel Tatus PhD

Adventures in opting out

Cait Flanders

No drama Discipline

Daniel J. Siegel, MD & Tina Payne Bryson, PhD

Baby 411 4th edition

Denise Fields and Ari Brown MD

Emotional and physical trauma and its impact on breastfeeding mothers

Dianne Cassidy MA< IBCLC-RLC, ALC

Have a New Kid by Friday

Dr. Kevin Leman

Breastfeeding an adopted baby and relactation

Elizabeth Horman

The no-cry sleep solution for newborns

Elizabeth Pantley

How to get your kid to eat but not too much

Ellyn Satter

Expecting Better

Emily Oster

The pocket parent

Gail Reichlim & Caroline Winkler

Baby Wise

Gary Ezzo Robert Buckman MD

Que Hacer Caundo Su Nino Se Enferma

Gloria Mayer, RN & Ann Kuklierus RN

The happiest baby on the block

Harvey Karp, MD

The happiest baby guide to great sleep

Harvey Karp, MD


Ina May's guide to childbirth

Ina May Gaskin

The ultimate breastfeeding book of answers

Jack Newman MD

Nurturing the family

Jacueline Kelleher

Oh Crap Potty training

Jamie Glowacki

10 days to a less defiant child

Jeffer Bernstein, PhD

Brain Rules for Baby

John Medina

Natural Childhood

John thomson

Juggling Elephants

Jones Loflin and Tood Musig

The Heart of the a boy

Kate T Parker

Raising Them

Kyl Myers

Heading home with you Newborn second edition

Laura Jana, MD, FAAP and Jennifer Shu MD, FAAP

The womanly art of breastfeeding

Le Leche League International

The everything Toddler Book

Linda Sonna PhD.

Life on planet mom

Lisa Bergren

Whats going on in there?

Lise Eliot Ph.D

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Marc Weissbluth, MD

Listen to me good

Margaret Charles Smith& Linda Janet Holmes

The life-changing magic of tidying up

Marie Kondo

Clinic in Human Lacation

Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC

The doula book

Marshall H. Klaus,MD, John H. Kennell, MD, Phyllis H. Klaud, MFT, LMSH

Strategies for the c-section mom

mary beth knight

The essential c-section guide

Maureen Connolly & Dana Sullivan

For Goodness Sake


Michael Nitai Deranja


Michelle Obama

Mindful birthing

Nancy Bardacke, CNM

What to do when you're having two

Natalie Diaz

Listful thinking

Paula Rizzo

Pregnancy childbirth and the newborn

Penny Simkim, PTJanet Whalley RN, IBCLC, Ann Leppler RN, MN, Janelle Durham, MSW, ICCE, LCCE, April Bolding PT, DPT, CD, CCE

Pregnancy childbirth and the newborn

Penny Simkim, PTJanet Whalley RN, IBCLC, Ann Leppler RN, MN, Janelle Durham, MSW, ICCE, LCCE, April Bolding PT, DPT, CD, CCE

5th edition pregnancy childbirth and the newborn

Penny Simkim, PTJanet Whalley RN, IBCLC, Ann Leppler RN, MN, Janelle Durham, MSW, ICCE, LCCE, April Bolding PT, DPT, CD, CCE

Your best birth

Rikki Lake & Abby Epstein

A guide to gender

Sam Killermann

Honey hang in there

Sandra Aldrich

The complete book of pregnancy & childbirth

Sheila Kitzinger

Wild Things

Stephen James & David Thomas


T. Berry Brazelton MD

Medications and mother's milk

Thomas W. Hale 2010

Secrets of the baby whisperer

Tracey Hogg

The Attachment Parenting book

William Sears MD, Martha Sears RN,

The Baby Book

William Sears MD, Martha Sears RN, Robert Sears MD, and James Sears, MD



Child on the Bed
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